Posted on May 20, 2021
Elections of officers and directors for the 2021-2022 administrative year were held at today's annual meetings.
The following members were elected to positions in Club governance:
President: Sam Weinstein
President Elect: Renee Brower
1st Vice President: Margaret Cox
2nd Vice President: Larry Walters
Secretary: Justin Gorman
Assistant Secretary: Melody Fenton
Treasurer: Chris Allred
Assistant Treasurer: Debbie LaFaso
Past President: John Lynch
Current Directors, to serve a 1-year term: Steve Borin, Laura Munari - to replace a resignation, Pat Rudd, Carol Macy, Andrea Arenas.
Directors for a 2-year term: George Costopoulos, Scott Royce, Rhiana Brand, Trudy Soland, Richard Russell
Members elected to the Cheyenne Kiwanis Club Foundation Board were Jason Duda, John Rogers and Caleb Snyder.
Congratulations to all!