It is our sad duty to inform the membership that Leonard Treber has passed away. Leonard was the definition of a Kiwanian. He was a Hixson Fellow, Lusche Fellow, Bonham Fellow, Legion of Honor and Tablet of Honor awardee, Zeller Fellow and Life member. Leonard was a past President (1966) and past Lt. Governor (1971). After he retired from the clothing business, he became the first Administrative Secretary for our club. He held that position from 1987 until 2008. Leonard turned 100 in August 2019. He joined Kiwanis in September of 1955 so was a member for almost 65 years. One of his wishes was to live longer than his mother had. She lived to within 3 months of her 100th birthday. His family had a private service and he was buried in Fort Logan Colorado. They do not plan to have any services in Cheyenne as everyone in the family is now in Colorado.