The Kiwanis Park Committee has received pledges for $334,000 over a three year period that began in 2022. Currently, in hand, the committee has over $250,000 in gifts.
In the Download Files section of this homepage, you will see a pledge card. We are asking everyone to consider making a pledged gift to this project. The Club committed to an initial $250,000 pledge to secure naming rights of the park. Any pledges or gifts over the $250,000 total will remain within the Kiwanis Foundation and will be restricted to future specific park projects. These could potentially include additional playground equipment, additional buildings, landscape, etc.
As a point of clarification, a gift of a “‘Bonham Fellowship” to the Foundation is separate from gifts made towards this project.
The pledge card can be returned to Phil VanHorn, Jason Duda, Greg Dykeman or mailed to the Club at PO Box 1513, Cheyenne, WY 82003.