Chuckwagon Breakfast Statistics
6823 were served on Monday, July 25, 2016. 9233 on Wednesday. 7433 on Friday, for a total of 23,489.
For the historical record of people served, see the tally below, through and including the 2016 figures.
Cheyenne Kiwanis Club Pancake Breakfast Committee records date from 1966, two years before the Kiwanis Club was assigned primary responsibility for production of the event, through the present.
Year Monday Weds Friday Total
1966............ (2 days only)..................... 2,500
1967............ (2 days only)..................... 2,800
1968............ (2 days only)..................... 6,000
1969............ (2 days only)..................... 6,500
1970............ (2 days only)..................... 9,000
1971.... 4,400....... 5,600....... 4,350..... 14,350
1972.... 5,050....... 6,100....... 5,800..... 16,950
1973.... 5,175....... 6,750....... 6,450..... 18,375
1974.... 5,500....... 7,200....... 7,072..... 19,772
1975.... 7,329....... 8,010....... 7,265..... 22,604
1976.... 8,620....... 9,720....... 8,060..... 26,400
1977.... 2,500....... 8,500....... 9,800..... 20,800
1978.... 8,250....... 8,750....... 9,104..... 26,104
1979.... 7,665....... 8,878....... 8,307..... 24,850
1980.... 6,225....... 8,790..... 10,300..... 25,315
1981.... 7,360..... 10,012....... 8,890..... 26,170
1982.... 8,275..... 10,230..... 11,150..... 29,665
1983.... 8,510..... 10,050....... 9,150..... 27,710
1984.... 6,600....... 9,190....... 8,670..... 24,460
1985.... 6,975....... 9,625....... 8,807..... 25,407
1986.... 7,971..... 10,215....... 9,344..... 27,530
1987.... 8,410..... 10,489....... 8,171..... 29,070
1988.... 7,864..... 10,142....... 8,357..... 26,383
1989.... 7,886..... 11,186....... 8,391..... 27,463
1990.... 8,950..... 11,171..... 10,347..... 30,468
1991.... 7,925....... 9,460..... 11,230..... 28,615
1992.... 4,648..... 10,570....... 9,933..... 25,151
1993.... 9,708..... 13,206....... 9,308..... 32,222
1994.. 10,673..... 12,088....... 9,673..... 32,434
1995.... 7,777..... 11,253....... 8,788..... 27,818
1996. *10,884... *16,897..... 11,328.....*39,109 * Record count for daily and total guests
1997.... 7,702..... 11,522....... 9,971.......29,195
1998.... 7,804..... 11,419....... 9,608.......28,631
2000.... 9,220..... 11,323....... 9,295......29,838
2001.... 8,823..... 11,874....*12,034.......32,731
2002...10,761..... 12,256..... 10,248.......33,265
2003.... 6,048.......9,348...... 7,428.......22,824
2004.... 7,700..... 10,673....... 7,857.......26,230
2005.... 8,938..... 13,305..... 11,402.......33,645
2006.... 9,575..... 14,305..... 10,100.......33,980
2007.... 6,700..... 11,009....... 7,975.......25,684
2008.... 9,025..... 12,630..... 10,770.......32,425
2009.....7,900..... 11,300........9,350........28,550
Total Served with the above figures: 1,263,197
New total all years: 1,286,686
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