Past-president Renee Brower announced the date for the Club's Annual Membership Meeting - May 9th.
The following members are nominated for election to office for the 2024-2025 administrative year, which begins October 1, 2024:
Immediate Past President: Margaret Cox
President: Larry Walters
President-Elect: Lisa Trimble
1st VP: Justin Gorman
2nd VP: Denise Newell
Secretary: Robin Moseley
Treasurer: Travis Vogel
Asst. Secretary: Taida Baldwin
Asst. Treasurer: Jody Shields
1st Year Board Members:
Patrick Brady, Kristin Custis, Mary Brown, Isaac Martin, Melissa Johnson
2nd Year Board Members:
Josh Moseley, Isaac Lloyd, Jody Shields, Aubrey Porter, Rich Wessenberg