Lauri Osborne, our current Serving Line Chairperson, is looking for a co-chair, someone who will learn the ropes and take over. As is the case with all pancake breakfast committees, the show runs pretty much on automatic pilot, with only a few tweaks here and there to help keep things on track.
Steve Schmerge is looking for help with his Coffee Committee. Qualifications include strength and relative youth, since the brewed coffee is served in 12-gallon containers and the "old guys" on the committee would like to be relieved of backaches.
Rob Killian is asking for help with flipping pancakes.
Just a reminder that the breakfasts are an "all hands on deck" event for the Cheyenne Kiwanis Club. Whether you can help out for a day or two or all three days, every little bit helps ensure the success of the event. Call Brian if you are not sure where you can be of assistance.